Exercise, Sweat & Sauna
Nowadays everybody want to be slim. For me, I'm naturally slim except after a huge meal prepared by daddy on weekend which make me look like a snake who just swallowed a boar. Actually mummy was worry I can get fat easily after spaying. But.. tsk... look at my slim body.

This muscle of mine & suck-in stomach is the result of my 'hardwork' chasing balls, jumping up for treat, begging, doing all those silly tricks to get yummy treat, etc. Even Suria brothers nowadays also become more active. He no longer walk to the kitchen.. he HOP!! Then mummy touch his body.. ta da... amazingly she can slightly feel his ribs. Hehehe.. they all must thank me for helping Suria Brother exercise.
Talking about exercise, yesterday my humans just signed up for one month gym at Marina Country Club. Daddy said can't bring me.. huh.. I thought they promised before to bring me next time they go to Marina.. liar!! Anyway, daddy really need to exercise.. his tummy is like baloon (and he proud of it man!!). And I just got scolded asking him whether I can post his tummy's photo here. Can you believe if he said he got toned muscle & flat tummy before in early 2004? Well.. Mummy got no choice to company him (although she never go to gym before) or else this lazy bum just giving excuse not to exercise.
They said the gym not bad at all. Not too crowded unlike Sport Council at Hougang. The rate currently is $50/month or $268/6-month and you can use the swimming pool & sauna. Mummy grumpily complained to me that the male toilet is bigger and got Sauna & Jacuzzi.. but the female toilet only have Sauna. I don't care.. I hate shower!! But she said it's kinda creepy to sit alone in the steam room so she dropped the idea using it.
Let see how long this two are in the mood of exercising.. hehehe...
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