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Friday, March 09, 2007

I need a break...

Jenny wrote:

I seriously need a break :( It's getting busy and busier at work, need to help my uncle to solve a problem and many others. I have to sleep late at night and wake up quite early in the morning for another day (including Saturday ...*sigh*...).
Well at least I'll still can relax and ease my mind this sunday.

Oh ya.. everytime my computer screen turned into screensaver and saw this silly photo of my handsome boy.. boy.. it really take away my pressure and make me..




Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss going to Sentosa with you guys. When going again? Nice place for you to take a much-needed break! :)

12/3/07 5:38 pm  
Blogger Luna said...

Yes, we love Sentosa too. But since heard the complain that cannot unleash the dogs with a peaceful mind no more, we never go there anymore.

Sentosa is a very nice place to take photos =)

13/3/07 8:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Luna, thanks for your valuable comment on my blog and playing a part in educating other dog owners!

*waves paw at handsome Suria*...well i don't blame the bitch in heat for wanting to hang out with u!!! hee hee!

13/3/07 5:45 pm  
Blogger Luna said...

Hi Chester!! just sharing our own experience with others =)

psstt.. I got a feeling Suria Brother is gay!!

16/3/07 1:10 pm  

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